Tuesday, May 17, 2011

Jor-El & Lara

This is a concept sketch that I'd like to make into a fully rendered piece.

This is the first of what I might make a series of drawings to tell my own Superman story. The image represents what might be Kal-El's memory of Krypton and his biological parents from the view of the interior of his space pod.

In my version of the story there would never be any direct reference to Krypton--It would all be speculative, with only small flashes or glimpses that would exist only inside Clark's mind.

This image shows a Jor-El and Lara that are very human-like in appearance, though I don't believe they would have looked this way at all in actuality. However, Clark's memory will have been altered greatly by the biases of his adoptive home world. The memory is representative more of a feeling than of an actual event, and perhaps more true in that sense.

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